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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Baker University

Contact Info:
State: Kansas
City: Overland Park
Street: 8001 College Boulevard, Suite 100
ZIP: 66210-1846
Phone: 913-491-4432
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Semesters
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Baker University is located in Baldwin City, Kansas, United States. It was established in 1858 and now this is the oldest university in the state of Kansas. The University is affiliated with the United Methodist Church.

Baker University consists of four schools which are the following: the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education, the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, and the School of Nursing.

At each of our four schools faculty provide creative, student-focused learning experiences while challenging students to analyze issues with depth and clarity. Students fully engage in their education and connect with peers, faculty and staff.
Baker University has a rich history within intimate academic settings, filled with traditions, memories and landmarks. In actual fact, Baker's Baldwin City campus has three buildings on the National Register of Historic Places.

Baker graduates have made successful careers as explorers, writers, scientists, teachers, performers, business professionals, politicians, academicians, visionaries, trendsetters and more.

Baker University is committed to assuring student learning, and developing confident, competent and responsible contributors to society. 

Financial Aid
More than 90% of Baker University students at the College of Arts and Sciences receive financial aid in the form of scholarships and grants that total thousands of dollars.

As a rule, the Baker financial aid package is a combination of University scholarships, state and federal grants, campus work, and student loans. Only loans must be repaid after graduation.

Baker University is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools for degree programs in arts, sciences and professional curricula at the associate, bachelor, master and doctorate levels. It is also accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and is a member of and approved by the University Senate of the United Methodist Church.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Business Administration