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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Bay Path College

Contact Info:
State: Massachusetts
City: Longmeadow
Street: 588 Longmeadow Street
ZIP: 01106
Phone: 800-782-7284
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Bay Path College was founded in 1897 as a coeducational institute providing business teacher training, secretarial science, business administration and accounting degrees. In 1988 Massachusetts Board of Regents of Higher Education authorized Bay Path Junior College to become a four-year degree-granting institution, and its name was changed officially to Bay Path College.

Bay Path College is a member of the Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield, an eight-college consortium along with American International College, Elms College, Holyoke Community College, Springfield College, Springfield Technical Community College, Western New England College and Westfield State College.

At Bay Path, classroom learning and real life experience get together for a meaningful education. From its founding, the College has emphasized a career-focused curriculum that prepares people to become professionals and leaders in their field. Innovative programs for undergraduate women, as well as our One-Day-A-Week Saturday College, graduate programs for men and women and Bay Path Online, have made Bay Path a pioneer among peers. 

The goal of the College is to give students confidence in the fundamentals of their chosen field, the curiosity to question the ordinary, the leadership to show initiative, and the desire to make a difference.

Bay Path College is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc., through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NEASC).

Financial Aid
Award packages typically combine scholarships and grants, loans, and student employment. Additional merit-based aid may be available to students who demonstrate high academic achievement. Students will automatically be considered for a merit scholarship when they apply for admission.   Student Financial Services will assist students with all of their education-related financial needs.


Programs offered by this school:
Graduate Certificate in Fundraising Management
Graduate Certificate in Non-Profit Management
Master of Arts in Communications and Information Management
Master of Arts in Nonprofit Management and Philanthropy
Master of Arts in Strategic Fundraising and Philanthropy
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurial Thinking and Innovative Practices