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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Beulah Heights University

Contact Info:
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Street: 892 Berne Street
ZIP: 30316
Phone: 404-627-2681
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: 3 terms per year
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Beulah Heights University, one of America’s fastest growing Bible colleges, is nestled in the historical Grant Park area of metropolitan Atlanta. The University's reach extends to the four corners of the earth. Through missions programs, BHU continues to equip leaders and expose students to international ministry opportunities. Through structured  leadership  curriculums,  BHU takes training all over the world making a difference internationally in churches, government entities, and businesses.

Students are not just taught at BHU, they are also encouraged to get into participative learning  environments, gain knowledge from industry practitioners, and take full advantage of programs designed to improve their learning experience.

Beulah Heights University offers degrees which are designed to provide training for leaders who are planning to serve in ministry and the marketplace. Whether providing skills in Biblical education, leadership development, strategic planning, non-profit organization, community economic development or communicating across cultural lines, the primary goals of each degree are to impart the skills and knowledge needed to be successful.

Beulah Heights University is an accredited member of the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). Beulah Heights University is also an accredited member of Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS).

The requirements for admission are as the following: 1) applicants must give evidence of a definite born again experience; 2) a diploma from an accredited high school or the GED; 3) the ACT Assessment Test (American College Testing) Program or S.A.T. is recommended, but not required; high school students are encouraged to take the ACT or SAT test during their senior year in high school; 4) students whose scores on the ACT or SAT test indicate a need for additional work in English, but who otherwise meet admission requirements, may be assigned to a Developmental Studies course in English Grammar and Composition.

Financial Aid
Qualifying financial aid students are eligible for FPell grants, FSEOG grants, FFEL Stafford loans, and Federal Work Study (FWS).


Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Arts in Biblical Education
Associate of Arts in Community and International Economic Development
Associate of Arts in Leadership and Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Education
Bachelor of Arts in Community and International Economic Development
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Administration
Certificate Program in Biblical Studies
Master of Science in Biblical Studies
Master of Science in Leadership Studies
Masters Degree in Divinity