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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Central Connecticut State University

Contact Info:
State: Connecticut
City: New Britain
Street: 1615 Stanley Street
ZIP: 06050
Phone: 860-832-2278
 Serves: Worldwide
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Central Connecticut State University is a state university founded in 1849 in New Britain, Connecticut as the New Britain Normal School. It is the oldest public university and ranks third oldest of all universities in Connecticut.

The University comprises five schools—Arts & Sciences, Business, Education & Professional Studies, Engineering & Technology, and Graduate Studies. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs through the Master’s and sixth-year levels and the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. 

CCSU is a public university, that’s why we receive support from the State of Connecticut.The University has three designated Centers of Excellence and many nationally accredited programs. We believe that quality and access are compatible and simultaneously achievable.

The University has a full-time faculty of 400 members, more than 75 percent of whom possess the doctorate; additionally, some 400 part-time instructors offer a variety of distinctive educational and professional experiences. CCSU faculty excel in teaching.

We offer 100 majors in more than 80 fields of study. Programs range widely—liberal arts and sciences, teacher education, nursing, engineering and technology, and business administration. Moreover, the University also offers a wealth of special programs that enrich and further diversify educational opportunities.

CCSU is governed by the Connecticut State University Board of Trustees, which oversees the four Connecticut state universities (Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western) and guides them in effectively serving the public.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts in Art
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Bachelor of Arts in English
Bachelor of Arts in Geography
Bachelor of Arts in Graphic / Information Design
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/Public Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Theater
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Bachelor of Science in Biological Science
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Construction Management
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Technology
Bachelor of Science in Graphics Technology
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Science in Music Education
Bachelor of Science in Network Technology
Bachelor of Science in Technology Education
Bachelors Degree in Accounting
Bachelors Degree in Finance
Bachelors Degree in Fine Art
Bachelors Degree in International Business
Bachelors Degree in Management
Bachelors Degree in Management Information Systems
Bachelors Degree in Marketing
Certificate Program in English
Certificate Program in Music Education
Certificate Program in Professional Counseling
Certificate Program in TESOL
Master of Arts in Anesthesiology Education
Master of Arts in Art Education
Master of Arts in Biological Science
Master of Arts in Chemistry
Master of Arts in Communication
Master of Arts in Computer Information Technology
Master of Arts in Construction Management
Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
Master of Arts in Engineering Technology
Master of Arts in Geography
Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy
Master of Arts in Music Education
Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling
Master of Arts in School Counseling
Master of Arts in Technology Education
Master of Arts in Technology Management
Master of Arts in TESOL
Master of Science in Biology
Master of Science in Biomolecular Sciences
Master of Science in English
Master of Science in General Psychology
Master of Science in History
Master of Science in Information Design
Master of Science in Public History
Master of Science in Teaching
Post Master's in Technology Education
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Pre-Health Studies
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Technology Education