Chaminade University, the only Catholic university in Hawaii, provides a rich educational experience. It is a place where people grow: professionally, intellectually and spiritually. Chaminade education include academic excellence, professional preparation, close involvement with professors and classmates, a supportive campus atmosphere and a vibrant campus life, opportunities to contribute to society while still in school and multi-cultural awareness and understanding.
AdmissionFor unconditional admission Chaminade University requires a minimum of:
- GPA 2,5;
- SAT 900 (critical reading and math) or ACT 19;
- or TOEFL (only needed if English is not your first language) paper-based minimum 550, computer-based minimum 21, or 79-80 internet based.
All applicants should have earned a high school diploma or the equivalent. Typically an adequate preparation includes: English (Four years), Social Studies (Three years), Mathematics (Three years), Science (Two years), College Preparatory Electives (Four years).
Financial AidThe financial aid program at Chaminade University is comprised of funding from Federal, Institutional and External sources. Chaminade University is a participant in all of the major federal student aid programs:
- Federal Pell Grant;
- Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG);
- Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP) Program;
- Federal Work Study program;
- Federal Perkins Loan;
- Federal Family Educational Loan Program, which involves both the Federal Stafford and Federal PLUS Loans.
Student ServicesStudent Support Services at Chaminade include the following:
- Academic Achievement Program;
- Career Services and Job Placement;
- Health Services;
- Judicial Services;
- Office of Student Activities and Leadership;
- Personal Counseling;
- ADA Information.
Career Services Career Services offers a wide variety of services to help students secure employment during their stay at Chaminade as well as in the years beyond. Among them they are career counseling and advice, workshops on career-related topics, job application assistance (resume, cover letter, interview skills), access to computer-based career assessment tools, and student employment assistance.