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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Coleman College

Contact Info:
State: California
City: San Diego
Street: 8888 Balboa Ave
ZIP: 92123
Phone: 1-800-430-2030
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: No
The mission of Coleman College is to prepare students for meaningful careers in the computer professions, while providing an environment where those who become a part of this academic community may develop their full potential as human beings.

Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office coordinates federal, state, institutional, and private financial assistance programs. Students who intend to request financial assistance are expected to arrange an appointment with a financial aid advisor as soon as registration has been completed. Financial Aid Advisors are available on a walk-in and on an appointment basis to provide individual counseling to students who apply for financial aid.

Selected courses in the General and Advanced Technology Education (GATE) Department are offered via Distance Education [online] thus allowing students the opportunity to take courses from home rather than having to commute to campus.
Students generally must have completed their chosen core program at Coleman College in order to enroll in Distance Education courses.

In addition to General Education courses, the DE Department also offers a complete online Master's Degree program in Business and Technology Management. This rigorous program of study is designed for the working professional interested in enhancing their skills and knowledge in the areas of business intelligence, strategic planning, e-marketing and technology management for the non-technical manager. The online Master's program is available to all eligible students worldwide.

Our distance education program uses modern technology to enhance your learning experience and minimize its impact on your busy life. This is accomplished by using a computer and an Internet connection.

For most Coleman College classes, you will access instructional materials from Web pages. Interaction with faculty and other students in the class may take place through e-mail, message boards, chat rooms, or other means.

You can work through class material, projects and assignments at a time that is convenient to you. However, instructors will impose deadlines for completion and there may be scheduled online class meetings when all students are expected to log-on simultaneously for discussion, exams, or other purposes.


Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Science in Computer Graphic Design
Associate of Science in Computer Information Systems
Associate of Science in Computer Networking
Bachelor of Science in Computer Graphic Design
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Computer Networking
Bachelors Degree in Network Security
Master of Arts in Information Systems Management
Masters Degree in Business Technology Management