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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Daniel Webster College

Contact Info:
State: New Hampshire
City: Nashua
Street: 20 University Drive
ZIP: 03063
Phone: 1-866-458-7525
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: several terms
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
At Daniel Webster College you'll enjoy the individual attention to support your pursuit of individual excellence. 

-         Four-year, private, non-sectarian co-educational residential/commuter college with a primary focus on experiential learning
-         Small college atmosphere with emphasis on individual excellence through individual attention
-         Fully automated Anne Bridge Baddour Library and Learning Center with services including full-text journal databases, the online catalog, subject websites, document delivery service, and more.

Financial Aid
At Daniel Webster College, we invest in our students, helping you make your future attainable through special merit and need-based programs:
-         Scholarship Newsletter
-         Scholarship Opportunities (Incoming Freshmen)
-         Need Based Scholarship/Grants
-         DWC Student Scholarship
-         Endowed Scholarship/Academic AwardS


Programs offered by this school:
Associates Degree in Business Management
Associates Degree in General Studies
Bachelors Degree in Marketing and Management
Bachelors Degree in Organizational Leadership
Bachelors Degree in Organizational Management
Bachelors Degree in Software Development
Masters Degree in Business Administration