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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Fontbonne University

Contact Info:
State: Missouri
City: St. Louis
Street: 6800 Wydown Boulevard
ZIP: 63105
Phone: 314-862-3456
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Fontbonne University is an educational establishment that embraces diversity and inclusion, and encourages open communication and personal concern. Its high-quality academic programs are offered in a values-based, student-centered environment and nearly 3,000 students annually benefit from them.

The main goal of the University is to impart knowledge and increase understanding. Students from across the U.S. and many other countries choose from thirty-seven majors, 24 minors and 18 graduate programs spanning a wide range of offerings. The new College of Global Business and Professional Studies comprises more than a dozen undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

Focused on teaching, Fontbonne faculty members are committed to reaching each and every student. Professors create and deliver a curriculum that best serves their students, and an excellent student-faculty ratio creates ideal opportunities for discussion and personal attention. Students are involved in local community projects as well as annual service trips to other states and countries.

Financial Aid
Various scholarships are available at Fontbonne University. And it is very important for students to begin the process of applying for scholarships as soon possible. It all begins with the Application for Undergraduate Admission. The following financial aid programs are available:
- Federal Pell Grant
- Access Missouri Grant Program
- Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant
- Fontbonne Family Award
- Fontbonne Grants
- The Academic Competitiveness Grant


Programs offered by this school:
Graduate Certificate in Computer Education
Master of Arts in Computer Education
Master of Arts in Education in Reading Teacher Education
Masters Degree in Management