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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Fresno Pacific University

Contact Info:
State: California
City: Fresno
Street: 1717 South Chestnut Avenue
ZIP: 93702-4709
Phone: (559) 453-2000
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Formerly known as Pacific Bible Institute, Fresno Pacific University now encompasses a 40-acre campus, which serves traditional undergraduate and graduate students, and 3 regional centers offering bachelor's degree completion and graduate programs designed for working adults.

The main goal of the University is to prepare students for faithful and wise service through excellence in Christian higher education, and to strengthen the church and improve society through scholarship and service. To achieve this it offers rigorous and challenging programs, the leading edge in business, medicine, education, ministry and many other fields.

Committed to ethical leadership, Fresno Pacific is guided by leaders in businesses, churches and throughout the community, and the values that these individuals uphold echo throughout the academic programs.

FPU is proud of its graduates who are business leaders, church leaders, family and community leaders. And they are doctors, missionaries, educators and ministers.

Financial Aid
A range of federal, state and private financial aid programs are offered at Fresno Pacific University to help students benefit from their education. FPU students receive financial aid in the form of loans, grants, scholarships and many on-campus employment opportunities.

Student Services
In order to develop students’ skills, talents and gifts, Fresno Pacific University offers many opportunities for them through leadership and service. They include:
1) Student Activities Board
2) Resident Assistants (RA's)
3) Mentors Assistants (MA's)
4) Admissions SWAT Team
5) Student Government
6) Student Ministries Leaders
7) Commuter Council
8) Clubs
9) Intramurals Board


Programs offered by this school:
Master of Arts in Education in Curriculum and Teaching
Master of Arts in Education in School Library and Information Technologies