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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Full Sail University

Contact Info:
State: Florida
City: Winter Park
Street: 3300 University Blvd.
ZIP: 32792
Phone: 800-226-7625
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Full Sail University is a private, for-profit university located in Winter Park, Florida that attracts people from all over the world with a passion to create, music, film, games, animation, design, and live events.

Those who want begin a career in recording, music, film, video games, design, animation, entertainment business, or Internet marketing can choose this university as it has a reputation as one of the premier media arts schools in the world. Its graduates are known from their working on award-winning films and albums, acclaimed video games and design projects, live productions, working inside major media companies, and more.

Students here have the opportunity to create vibrant and original 2D and 3D artwork, films, games, recordings, and more. They build a portfolio of professional quality work to carry into a career.

Admissions Representatives will help you choose the degree program that best suits your career objectives or decide which financial aid package gets the job done. Full Sail's degree programs start year-round, that’s why, you have to team up with your Admissions Representative to choose the month that's right for you.

Financial Aid
Full Sail University gives students the opportunity to have financial aid to cover some or all of their education costs. Students are provided with all the information they need to get financial aid to attend Full Sail. The Financial Aid representatives will help students obtain the needed package that tailored to each student's financial need. The packages consist of grants and loans and are available for those who qualify.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelors Degree in Entertainment Business
Masters Degree in Entertainment Business