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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Grace College and Theological Seminary

Contact Info:
State: Indiana
City: Winona Lake
Street: 200 Seminary Drive
ZIP: 46590
Phone: 800-544-7223
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Consisting of four schools, the School of Arts and Sciences, School of Music, School of Ministry Studies, and the School of Adult and Community Education, Grace offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as two of its graduate degree programs through online education.

The College is located in the northern Indiana community of Winona Lake and enrolls students from 30 denominations and many non-denominational churches and is associated with The Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches. With commitment to the classical and defining doctrines of historic Christianity, it affirms the inerrancy of Scripture and the moral, spiritual, and historical authority of the Bible. Besides, its mission is to develop character, sharp competence, and prepare for service.

All programs are designed to encourage serious academic inquiry in an academic atmosphere devoted to excellence in scholarship, a biblical worldview, spiritual understanding, and social conscience.

Financial Aid
Grace College and Theological Seminary provides financial aid to help students get fund for their studying. There Federal, State and Grace College programs that allow students to get financial assistance. Special circumstances will be reviewed on an individual basis when submitted in writing. Financial aid is offered with scholarships, loans and grants.

You should apply earlier once you have considered your college choices and decide to apply to become a Grace student. An Early Action Admission (non-binding) is provided for all candidates who will receive notice of the admission decision and preliminary scholarship notification within three weeks after their application is complete, including forms and transcripts.


Programs offered by this school:
Master of Science in Intercultural Studies
Master of Science in Local Church Studies