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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Hebrew College

Contact Info:
State: Massachusetts
City: Newton Centre
Street: 160 Herrick Road
ZIP: 02459
Phone: 617-559-8600
 Serves: USA
 Enrollment: 3 times per year
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Founded in 1921, Hebrew College has a mission that connects serious academic study of Judaism with the educational needs and challenges of the community, via outstanding adult learning and youth education programs.

Most classes at Hebrew are taught in English, but Hebrew language instruction for beginners to advanced students remains an essential element of the curriculum for graduate degree programs and an accessible option for adult learners and Prozdor high school students.

A wide range of high quality educational programs are offered at the College. They will provide students with many points of entry to Jewish learning. Its Newton Centre campus serves students in the Greater Boston area and throughout New England.

As a graduate school, Hebrew College has a small number of undergraduate students. In order to pursue a career as a rabbi, cantor, Jewish educator or other Jewish communal professional, graduate students of all ages come to Hebrew College. Some of them can come to Hebrew College straight after college, and others enroll after working in the Jewish professions for several years. Other students can study here to prepare for a second career in midlife.

Financial Aid
The financial aid program at Hebrew College will assist students in finding outside sources of aid to further support their education. All students must complete a Hebrew College financial aid form, file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and supply other documentation as required. Financial aid is available in federal loans, scholarships, grants.

Those students, who want to qualify for financial aid, must meet the following criteria:
•    Be admitted as a degree-seeking student or currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program at least half-time (definition varies by program)
•    Maintain satisfactory progress in his or her course of study


Programs offered by this school:
Master of Science in Jewish Studies