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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Contact Info:
State: Pennsylvania
City: Indiana
Street: 1011 South Drive
ZIP: 15705
Phone: 724-357-2100
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: 2 times per year
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Founded in 1875, Indiana University of Pennsylvania has a varied, vibrant, research-based, and student-centered community that comprises distinguished faculty members and more than fourteen thousand undergraduate and graduate students from across the nation and around the world.

IUP allows the faculty members to be engaged in different research projects. In their turn, they involve graduate and undergraduate students who enjoy a supportive learning environment. The University prepares students for significant careers and productive and meaningful lives of leadership, service, and distinction.

Indiana University of Pennsylvania offers students a range of academic programs and resources for the taking. They may choose a traditional course of study, such as philosophy, English, or anthropology, or concentrate on a career-oriented, applied major, such as safety sciences or respiratory therapy. With the help of university’s programs students will expand their horizons and their career options by pursuing internships and study-abroad opportunities. They can also complement their academic experience by participating in opportunities such as the Center for Civic Engagement and Student Leadership or the Undergraduate Scholars Forum.

Financial Aid
Indiana University has the Financial Aid Office, located in Clark Hall. It offers financial aid information to all students attending IUP. Students are provided with educational grants, loans, and student employment eligibility. Moreover, counseling on debt management and loan repayment options is also available.

Career Services
The Student Employment Center is intended to help students in choosing their career place by providing a listing of both on- and off-campus employment opportunities. In order to provide current employment opportunities, these services work closely with departmental offices and off-campus employers. They post and remove jobs quickly from the website in an effort to keep the listings current and well-organized.


Programs offered by this school:
Master of Science in Criminology