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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Kentucky Christian University

Contact Info:
State: Kentucky
City: Grayson
Street: 100 Academic Parkway
ZIP: 41143
Phone: 1-800-522-3181
 Serves: USA
 Enrollment: once a year
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Kentucky Christian University is recognized by U.S. News and World Report to be one of the 50 Best Southern Comprehensive Schools. We are accredited by the Southern Assoc. of Colleges and Schools (SACS) with individual programs holding their specific professional accreditation.

KCU is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is authorized to award bachelors and masters degrees. All programs requiring professional licensure (i.e. Nursing, Social Work, and Teacher Education) are professionally accredited.

Cost and Comparison
KCU’s tuition is moderately priced compared to other private colleges in the State; $390 dollars per credit hour before scholarships and grants are applied. The average KCU student receives scholarships, grants, federal financial aid, and loans, significantly reducing the total cost of attending the University.

Kentucky Christian University Academics
Kentucky Christian University is unique in its study options. The university has disability services as well, so be sure to inquire about them if needed. In addition, when any student is looking for some counseling or other types of support, Campus Ministries/Chaplain, Financial Aid Counseling, Freshman Orientation Program, Health Services, Minority Student Services and Personal Counseling can help. For one thing, the university has a Distance Learning, Double Major, Independent Study, Internships, Liberal Arts/Career Combination, Study Abroad and Teacher Certification. There’s never a reason to feel alone in your studies either, since there are academic support services like Extensive Undergraduate Evening or Early Morning Classes, Reduced Course Load, Remedial Instruction, Tutoring and Writing Center.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Advanced Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Worship
Bachelor of Science in Bible and Camp Management
Bachelor of Science in Counseling Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Music Business
Bachelor of Science in Music Education
Bachelor of Science in Music Performance
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Finance
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Marketing
Bachelors Degree in Cross-Cultural Management
Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education
Bachelors Degree in History/Pre-Law
Bachelors Degree in Humanities
Bachelors Degree in Integrated Music Education
Bachelors Degree in Middle School: Grades 5-9
Bachelors Degree in Ministerial Bible and Preaching Ministry
Bachelors Degree in Ministerial Bible and Youth & Family Ministries
Bachelors Degree in Social Work
Bachelors Degree in Teacher Education - Secondary School: Grades 8-12
Master of Science in Christian Leadership
Master of Science in New Testament