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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Neumont University

Contact Info:
State: Utah
City: South Jordan
Street: 10701 S River Front Pkwy Ste 300
ZIP: 84095
Phone: (801) 302-2800
 Serves: Worldwide
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
The main goal of Neumont University is to offer a quality education that is current in industry practices, rich in ideas and deep in technological insight from the input of industry-leading partners.

The faculty and staff of Neumont University are committed to a quality learning environment, a collaborative learning process, contributing broadly to students’ lives; and bringing value to the enterprises with whom the university partners.

Neumont University provides its students with technology-focused, nationally respected programs that are focused on problem and project-based learning. Students can investigate a wide diverse of technology-oriented interests in a different range of courses. The university is ready to offer the following programs for its students:
- BSCS - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- BTOM - Bachelor of Science in Business Technology Operations Management
- BSDE - Bachelor of Science in Digital Entrepreneurship

Financial Aid
Most Neumont students access some form of financial aid during their education, including scholarships, federal grants or loans, and private loans regardless of their economic background,  Neumont University takes part in the Federal Student Financial Aid programs and other public and private loan programs.

Neumont University evaluates the whole students’ potential during the admissions process. Students’ past academic performance, technical knowledge, and level of motivation are sure to be evaluated. During the application process, a student should provide the following information:
•    Academic Record - Standardized test scores (ACT & SAT) and your GPA.
•    Technology Experience - Technical proficiencies, advanced coursework, employment, or extensive self study in computer related areas.
•    Leadership Potential - Student government experience, clubs and organizations, management experience, and strong written and verbal communication skills.
•    Community Service - Volunteer service, extended church service, or exceptional commitment to improving the community in which you live.
•    Work History - Computer, physical sciences, or mathematics-related professional experience.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelors Degree in Computer Science
Masters Degree in Computer Science