Contact Info:
State: New Hampshire
City: Henniker
Street: 98 Bridge Street
ZIP: 03242
Phone: (603) 428-2000
Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
New England College offers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Education and Master of Science.
No matter what record you have. Whether it is a record of high achievement or untapped potential, New England College is ready to show you how much you can achieve. With years of experience the faculty and staff of the College has demonstrated that students achieve amazingly well when given the right challenges, the right support and an environment that inspires them to be confident and prepared for the real world.
Financial Aid
About three quarters of New England College students receive financial aid from either New England College or outside sources. Eligibility for financial aid is renewed every year, and checking is to be made to ensure that the aid eligibility is proportionate with each family's financial circumstances. The college works also with educational loan providers who make available loan programs created to make your educational dreams a reality.
Financial aid comes in a variety of forms:
- scholarships
- grants
- educational loan opportunities
- work opportunities
Career ServiceThe main career service New England College provides the individual career advising in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. Informed guidance is provided on a number of subjects, including:
- choice of major
- career "focusing" and general planning for life, including travel
- interest testing
- internships
- summer jobs
- resume writing
- effective interviewing
- the job search, in New Hampshire or anywhere else in the world
Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Master of Arts in Accounting
Masters Degree in Education
Masters Degree in Human Services
Masters Degree in Management
Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling
Masters Degree in Poetry