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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Northwest Nazarene University

Contact Info:
State: Idaho
City: Nampa
Street: 623 Holly Street
ZIP: 83686-5897
Phone: (208)467-8011
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: twice a year
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
The University offers master’s degree programs in eleven disciplines, concurrent credit for high school students, accelerated degree programs and a diversity of continuing education credits. Northwest Nazarene University develops a habit of mind that make possible for each student to become God's redemptive and creative agent in nowadays world. The education obtained from NNU is believed to prepare graduates to be global Christians through social responsiveness, academic excellence and creative engagement.

Northwest Nazarene University is fully dedicated to an educational process that pursues both intellectual and spiritual development. The main goal of the University is the development of Christian character within the philosophy and framework of genuine scholarship.

Financial Aid
The aim of financial aid is to develop a program of students’ payment for the education depending on what student and students’ family may afford and the funds of the Northwest Nazarene University. The staff of the Financial Aid Office encourages each student to apply for financial aid and use every possible resource, including grants, scholarships, employment and loans. In order to obtain federal financial aid and other kinds of need based financial aid you will need to complete the FAFSA.

Career Service
The Career Center offers assistance and information to students who want to determine career goals and examine career opportunities, and makes easier for the faculty to assist students with employment searches. The Career Center also provides the next services for graduate and undergraduate students:
- part time jobs listings
- how to write effective resumes
- practice interviewing skills
- establish networking contacts
- assist in employment search
- career related courses


Programs offered by this school:
Masters Degree in Business Administration