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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Pace University

Contact Info:
State: New York
City: New York
Street: 1 Pace Plaza
ZIP: 10038
Phone: (212) 346-1200
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: semesters
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Pace University is a university dedicated to offering a wide array of programs of education for professions in demand, framed by the perspective and independent critical thinking that comes from an excellent liberal education. Pace University has been preparing students to become leaders in their fields by providing an education that combines exceptional academics with professional experience and the New York advantage.

Pace University offers students admission based on a variety of factors, such as academics, community involvement, and extracurricular activities. Pace admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. You have to complete the Undergraduate Application for Admission in order to apply for admission to

Pace University. All undergraduate applications must include:
-    Personal Statement/Essay;
-    High School Transcript of General Equivalency Diploma (GED);
-    Letters of Recommendation;
-    Standardized Testing Scores;
-    Application Fee;

Financia Aid
Financia Aid Office works to help students succeed while they are in college, by offering robust financial aid to as many students as possible.
Pace provides academic incentive scholarships, as well as grants based on financial need. They are combined with a variety of federal and state financial aid programs and are specially tailored for each individual student.
To apply, simply complete by February 15th the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can continue to file after this date, however, consideration for funds will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.


Programs offered by this school:
Advanced Certificate in Telecommunications
Certificate Program in Internetworking Technology
Doctoral Degree in Computing
Executive Master in Business Administration
Master of Arts in Internetworking Technology