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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Spring Arbor University

Contact Info:
State: Michigan
City: Spring Arbor
Street: 106 E. Main Street
ZIP: 49283-9799
Phone: (800) 968-0011
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: several times
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Spring Arbor University has distinguished itself as the place where learning and faith meet for 135 years. Spring Arbor University was founded in 1873 by leaders of the Free Methodist Church. It began as a small elementary and secondary school in the late 1800s and has evolved into a top-tier, liberal arts, Christian university with over 4,000 students enrolled.

Spring Arbor University provides a wide range of educational offerings and 13 convenient locations across Michigan and in Ohio. SAU is offering more than 60 undergraduate majors and programs, seven degree completion programs, two associate programs, and eight graduate programs, presented in both face-to-face and online formats; the University continues to meet the growing student’s needs.

Spring Arbor University welcomes undergraduate applicants from high school students, homeschool students, transfer and international students; dual enrolment is also available. For graduate SAU offers programs Business, Counseling, Communication, Education, Family Studies, Management, Nursing, Spiritual Formation and Leadership. For adult students and professionals Associate Degrees, Bachelor's Degrees, Graduate Degrees, Certificates and Endorsement in different fields of study are also available.

Financial Aid
Students should fill out the FAFSA. The federal form determines what aid is available. After completing the FAFSA financial aid office will put together a custom financial aid package which will include federal and state grants, federal and state loan options, SAU scholarships and grants and other available aid. Financial aid is available through loans, grants and scholarships.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Management and Organizational Development
Master of Arts in Organizational Management
Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation & Leadership