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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Towson University

Contact Info:
State: Maryland
City: Towson
Street: 8000 York Road
ZIP: 21252-0001
Phone: 410-704-2000
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Towson University is a metropolitan university that combines research-based learning with practical application and provides opportunities for research, internships, and jobs.As a metropolitan university, Towson combines research-based learning with practical deployment. A lot of interdisciplinary partnerships with public and private organizations throughout Maryland provide opportunities for research, jobs and internships. Towson University is a founding member of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities; TU President Robert Caret holds the office of president.

The University offers a wide range of baccalaureate and graduate programs designed to prepare students for success in today's rapidly changing jobs. All students choose from 63 undergraduate majors, 44 master's programs and four doctoral programs. 

Very hardy liberal arts foundation anchors a Towson undergraduate education, and this core also emphasizes service learning, civic engagement, internships and study in other country. Lot of graduate programs that serve working professionals have been developed and expanded to respond to work force tendencies. 

Towson's mission is being carried out through its eight colleges and by its many interdisciplinary initiatives. Professional training, non-degree programs, learning in retirement, and youth and community arts programs are among Towson's extended education offerings.Towson University’s office of Extended Education and Online Learning (EEOL) offers a variety of online courses and programs -- including many in-demand certification courses -- to meet the needs of today's busy work force.

Students Life

Students come to Towson University from across the country and all over the world. It means student’s time at TU can be one of discovery about more people and places. On beautiful, 328-acre campus, each student can attend concerts, art exhibits, athletic events- such as the Tiger all-star lacrosse team in a match-up against Johns Hopkins- and more. In the city of Towson itself, a 10-minute walk away, you'll find tree-lined residential streets, restaurants, coffee shops, bookstores, the Towson Town Center mall and movie theaters.


Programs offered by this school:
Master of Arts in Applied Information Technology
Master of Arts in Homeland Security Management
Masters Degree in Business Administration