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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - University of South Alabama

Contact Info:
State: Alabama
City: Mobile
Street: 307 University Boulevard
ZIP: 36688-0002
Phone: (251) 460-6101
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Semesters
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
The USA consists of the following colleges: of Allied Health Professions, of Arts and Sciences, of Business and Management Studies, of Education, of Engineering, of Medicine, of Nursing, School of Computer and Information Sciences. As well as School of Continuing Education and Special Programs, and Graduate School, each headed by an academic officer. Besides, it contains two specialized units: University Libraries and Department of Cooperative Education, operating in cooperation with the faculty and reporting directly to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Medical Affairs. The University Libraries consist of the University Library and the Biomedical Library. The Library's collections are housed in a four story building on the main campus.

Those who are applying to the University for the first time, should:
     - have earned a high school diploma and have completed a college preparatory curriculum consisting of the Core Courses;
     - have earned a minimum 2.00 overall high school GPA and a minimum;
     - have achieved a score of 19 on the composite ACT (or equivalent score on SAT).

Students who graduated high school longer than 5 years ago or are over the age of 23: usually a 2.0 average is required (as computed by USA Admissions) but if satisfactory evidence is supplied to indicate the student's ability to pursue courses at USA, admission may be granted.

Financial Aid
The University of South Alabama has one of the most comprehensive scholarship programs in Alabama and offers excellent opportunities to entering freshmen. Most USA students use a combination of scholarships, grants and loans.
USA offers several scholarship levels based on standardized test scores, high school GPA and area of study. The University’s largest scholarship programs for academic achievement are: Presidential Scholarships; USA Honors Program Scholarships; Bay Area Scholarships; Abraham Mitchell Business Scholarships.


Programs offered by this school:
Master of Science in Instructional Design and Development
Master of Science in Nursing