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Colleges and Universities - College Programs - Arts & Humanities - Landscaping & Horticulture - Bachelor of Science

Check out here academic programs in Arts and Humanities by the higher educational institutions throughout US. Find a study program meeting all your requirements in the fields of Arts and Humanities, like Music, Architecture, Languages, Liberal Arts etc.

Arts and Humanities areas include academic programs that are always popular among students as well as employers, such as Fashion, Jewelry, English, Fine Arts, Interior Design and more.

Simply consider the sampling of careers for Arts and Humanities majors: writer, interior designer, communications specialist, architect, translator, clergy member, journalist etc.

One will obtain the following skills in Arts and Humanities program - writing, critical thinking and analysis, and communication.

Northern Arizona University
Bachelor of Science in Parks and Recreation Management

A degree, certificate or diploma in Arts and Humanities gives you the opportunities in various fields of business. All the creative, analytical, and articulate people who needs to skyrocket their career growth, or get a suitable job for them, should check numerous academic programs in Arts and Humanities available at Student-to-Student.net.