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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Bob Jones University

Contact Info:
State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
Street: 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd.
ZIP: 29614
Phone: 864-242-5100
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Quarterly
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Bob Jones University, founded in 1927 by evangelist Bob Jones Sr., is known as the citadel of biblical Christianity for its adherence to the Bible as mankind’s only source of faith and Christian practice.

IIt is the largest private liberal arts university in South Carolina and has a reputation for being one of the most conservative of religious schools in the United States.

Bob Jones University is located at the edge of the Appalachian foothills in Greenville, S.C. It is the foremost fundamental Christian university, with participants from every state and more than 40 different countries.

Quality liberal arts education are taught in each of Bob Jones University’s 5 schools and 1 college. They are the following: School of Religion, School of Business, School of Education, School of Fine Arts, and College of Arts and Science. 

Since 2005 BJU has been accredited by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, an accrediting organization recognized by the Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Individuals graduated from a Christian, public or private high school, will follow the typical admissions process, which includes: 1) tour to the BJU; 2) apply for admissions; 3) necessary documentation (identify 3 sources for recommendations; transcripts or G.E.D.; ACT scores; AP, CLEP or IB test results); 4) processing documentation.

Financial Aid
Attending Bob Jones University is very affordable, with tuition, room and board below the national average for private schools.  With convenient payment plans, loan options and scholarships, paying for an education is possible.


Programs offered by this school:
Associate in Applied Science in Aircraft Maintenance
Associate in Applied Science in Automotive Services
Associate in Applied Science in Business Management
Associate in Applied Science in Cosmetology Management
Associate in Applied Science in Culinary Arts
Associate in Applied Science in General Office Secretary
Associate in Applied Science in Residential Construction
Associate of Applied Arts in Child Care Ministry
Associate of Applied Arts in Christian Leadership
Associate of Applied Arts in Ministerial Training
Associate of Applied Arts in Missionary Preparation
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Missionary Aviation/Aircraft Maintenance
Bachelors Degree in Actuarial Science
Bachelors Degree in Administrative Management
Bachelors Degree in Aircraft Maintenance
Bachelors Degree in Apparel, Textiles, and Design
Bachelors Degree in Art Education
Bachelors Degree in Automotive Services
Bachelors Degree in Bible
Bachelors Degree in Bible Evangelism
Bachelors Degree in Biblical Counseling
Bachelors Degree in Biology
Bachelors Degree in Biology Education
Bachelors Degree in Biophysics
Bachelors Degree in Broadcast Journalism
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Bachelors Degree in Business and Commercial Aviation
Bachelors Degree in Camp Ministries
Bachelors Degree in Chemistry
Bachelors Degree in Christian Missions
Bachelors Degree in Church Music
Bachelors Degree in Cinema and Video Production
Bachelors Degree in Communication Disorders
Bachelors Degree in Composite Science Education
Bachelors Degree in Composite Social Science Education
Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering
Bachelors Degree in Computer Science
Bachelors Degree in Creative Writing
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice
Bachelors Degree in Culinary Arts
Bachelors Degree in Drama Production
Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education
Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering
Bachelors Degree in Electronics & Computer Technology
Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education
Bachelors Degree in Engineering Science
Bachelors Degree in English
Bachelors Degree in English Education
Bachelors Degree in Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Bachelors Degree in Financial Management
Bachelors Degree in Food and Nutrition
Bachelors Degree in French
Bachelors Degree in German
Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design
Bachelors Degree in Health, Fitness and Recreation
Bachelors Degree in History
Bachelors Degree in Human Resource Development
Bachelors Degree in Humanities
Bachelors Degree in Information Systems Management
Bachelors Degree in Information Systems Technology
Bachelors Degree in Information Technology
Bachelors Degree in Interior Design
Bachelors Degree in International Business
Bachelors Degree in International Studies
Bachelors Degree in Marketing and Management
Bachelors Degree in Mass Media
Bachelors Degree in Mathematics
Bachelors Degree in Mathematics Education
Bachelors Degree in Mathematics through Algebra I
Bachelors Degree in Middle School Education/Language Arts and Social Studies
Bachelors Degree in Missionary Aviation/Flight Only
Bachelors Degree in Music
Bachelors Degree in Music Education
Bachelors Degree in Music/Church Music
Bachelors Degree in Nursing
Bachelors Degree in Operations Research
Bachelors Degree in Organizational Communications
Bachelors Degree in Pastoral Studies
Bachelors Degree in Performance Studies
Bachelors Degree in Physics
Bachelors Degree in Political Science
Bachelors Degree in Pre-Law
Bachelors Degree in Pre-Med/Pre-Dent
Bachelors Degree in Pre-Physical Therapy
Bachelors Degree in Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Bachelors Degree in Print Journalism
Bachelors Degree in Public Relations Journalism
Bachelors Degree in Radio and Television Broadcasting
Bachelors Degree in Residential Construction Management
Bachelors Degree in Rhetoric and Public Address
Bachelors Degree in Spanish
Bachelors Degree in Spanish Education
Bachelors Degree in Special Education
Bachelors Degree in Speech Pedagogy
Bachelors Degree in String Pedagogy
Bachelors Degree in TESOL
Bachelors Degree in Three-Dimensional Arts
Bachelors Degree in Two-Dimensional Arts
Bachelors Degree in Women’s Ministries
Bachelors Degree in Youth Ministry
Certificate Program in Biblical Studies
Certificate Program in Introduction to Business
Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Church History
Doctor of Philosophy in New Testament Interpretation
Doctor of Philosophy in Old Testament Interpretation
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
Doctoral Degree in Ministry
Doctoral Degree in Pastoral Theology
Dual Degree in Church Music
Education Specialist in Educational Leadership
Master of Arts in Accounting
Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling
Master of Arts in Broadcast Management
Master of Arts in Christian School Ministry
Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Master of Education in Elementary Education
Master of Education in English
Master of Education in History
Master of Education in Mathematics
Master of Education in Secondary Education
Master of Education in Special Education
Master of Music in Church Music
Master of Music in Orchestral Instrument Performance
Master of Music in Organ Performance
Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy
Master of Music in Piano Performance
Master of Music in Voice Performance
Master of Science in Bible
Master of Science in Bible Translation
Master of Science in Church History
Master of Science in Church Ministries
Master of Science in Cinema and Video Production
Master of Science in Drama Production
Master of Science in Elementary Education and Teaching
Master of Science in English
Master of Science in English Education
Master of Science in Graphic Design
Master of Science in History
Master of Science in Illustration
Master of Science in Mathematics Education
Master of Science in Pastoral Studies
Master of Science in Performance Studies
Master of Science in Platform Arts
Master of Science in Rhetoric and Public Address
Master of Science in Special Education
Master of Science in Studio Art
Master of Science in Teaching Bible
Master of Science in Theology
Master of Science in Youth Ministry
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Divinity
Masters Degree in Ministry
Masters Degree in Music Education
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Medical Missions