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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - California Institute of Integral Studies

Contact Info:
State: California
City: San Francisco
Street: 1453 Mission Street
ZIP: 94103
Phone: (415) 575-6100
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: Semesters
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
California Institute of Integral Studies is an accredited institution of higher education that strives to embody spirit, intellect, and wisdom in service to individuals. The Institute can offer the students:
-    small classes and personal attention from faculty;
-    leading-edge graduate programs in the School of Professional Psychology and the School of Consciousness and Transformation;
-    internationally recognized professors who expand the boundaries of learning;
-    internships in CIIS counseling centers where students learn under the guidance of experienced supervisors;
-    a BA completion program in Interdisciplinary Studies on weekends in a cohort format;
-    online graduate programs in the groundbreaking fields of Transformative Studies and Transformative Leadership with an international community of learners.

Education here is engaging and formative, with master teachers nurturing intellectual and personal growth in a supportive community. Therefore, CIIS graduates lead in diverse and groundbreaking fields.

There are three ways to apply to California Institute of Integral Studies:
-    Download an application and submit by mail.
-    Apply online.
-    Request to have an application mailed to you.

Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office is here to help the students (both domestic and international) realize their educational goals. The purpose of financial aid is to provide financial assistance to CIIS students. Financial aid consists of scholarships, grants, and loans. Financial aid does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, or handicap in any of its policies pertaining to the awarding of financial aid. While complying with all applicable government regulations and donor restrictions, a serious attempt is made to extend a personalized, concerned approach to a student's financial needs.


Programs offered by this school:
Advanced Certificate in Community Psychology
Advanced Certificate in Spiritual Counseling/East-West Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy and Religion/Women's Spirituality
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness
Doctor of Philosophy in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Doctor of Philosophy in Spiritual Counseling/East-West Psychology
Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts
Master of Fine Arts in Writing
Master of Science in Community Mental Health
Master of Science in Counseling Psychology
Master of Science in Cultural Anthropology and Social Transformation
Master of Science in Drama Therapy
Master of Science in Expressive Arts Therapy
Master of Science in Integrated Health Studies
Master of Science in Philosophy and Religion/Asian & Comparative Studies
Master of Science in Philosophy and Religion/Women's Spirituality
Master of Science in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness
Master of Science in Somatic Psychology
Master of Science in Spiritual Counseling/East-West Psychology