Contact Info:
State: New York
City: Flushing
Street: 65-30 Kissena Blvd.
ZIP: 11367
Phone: 718-997-5000
Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Twice a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Having opened its doors in 1937, Queens College in Flushing, Queens, offers a first-rate education to talented people of all backgrounds and financial means. The College is a part of the City University of New York (CUNY) since its founding in 1961, and it is one of CUNY’s largest senior colleges. Often referred to as “the jewel of the CUNY system,” the college enjoys a national reputation for its liberal arts and sciences and pre-professional programs.
Queens College has had a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa since 1950 (fewer than 10 percent of the nation’s liberal arts colleges are members of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and most respected undergraduate honors organization). In 1968, Queens College became a member of Sigma Xi, the national science honor society. The American Association of University Women includes Queens College in its list of approved colleges for membership.
The College’s achievement-oriented and hard-working students, who are likely to have graduated in the top 25% of their high school class, come from over 140 different countries.
Queens College is dedicated to making students feel that the college is their home away from home. There are more than 100 clubs and teams on campus, from the Science Organization of Minority Students to clubs for theatre, fencing, environmental science, and martial arts. The college holds courses at several off-campus locations, including the 43rd Street Extension Center in Manhattan and the CUNY Center for Higher Education in vibrant downtown Flushing.
The College is proud to offer over 115 undergraduate and graduate majors. Academic programs are organized into four divisions, which offer both day and evening courses: Arts and Humanities; Education; Mathematics and the Natural Sciences; and the Social Sciences. Classes are also offered during a winter session and four summer sessions.
Programs offered by this school:
Advanced Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis
Bachelor of Arts in Art History
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Geology
Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Mathematics Education
Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design
Bachelors Degree in American Studies
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Certificate Program in Archives Studies
Certificate Program in Art Education
Certificate Program in Early Childhood Education
Certificate Program in Educational Leadership
Certificate Program in Educational Psychology
Certificate Program in English
Certificate Program in Library Technician
Certificate Program in Public Library Technology
Certificate Program in School Psychology
Certificate Program in Special Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
Doctoral Degree in Earth Science
Master of Arts in Accounting
Master of Arts in Art Education
Master of Arts in Environmental Science
Master of Arts in Nutrition Science
Master of Arts in Secondary Literacy Education
Master of Arts in Secondary Mathematics Education
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Literary Translation
Master of Science in Biochemistry
Master of Science in Biology
Master of Science in Chemistry
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in English Literature
Master of Science in French
Master of Science in Geology
Master of Science in History
Master of Science in Italian
Master of Science in Media Studies
Master of Science in Music
Master of Science in Sociology
Master of Science in Spanish
Master of Science in Urban Studies
Master of Science in Education in Counselor Education
Master of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education
Master of Science in Education in English
Master of Science in Education in Foundations of Education
Master of Science in Education in French
Master of Science in Education in Italian
Master of Science in Education in Music
Master of Science in Education in School Psychology
Master of Science in Education in Spanish
Masters Degree in Art History
Masters Degree in Library and Information Science
Masters Degree in Mathematics
Masters Degree in Psychology
Masters Degree in School Library Media
Masters Degree in Studio Art
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Foundations of Education
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Secondary Mathematics Education