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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Kauai Community College

Contact Info:
State: Hawaii
City: Lihue
Street: 3-1901 Kaumualii Highway
ZIP: 96766
Phone: (808) 245-8225
 Serves: USA
 Enrollment: 2 times per year
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes

Experienced faculty and staff of Kauai Community College is ready to help you unlock your true potential whether you want to start a new career with a degree or refresh your job skills.
Kauai Community College is situated on Kauai, the northernmost Island in the State of Hawaii. Kaua`i Community College offers lower-division, transfer-level courses for students who plan to transfer to a 4-year college or university, occupational courses for students seeking competency or improvement in employable skills, and general education courses for all students to provide them with awareness of the ideas and ideals of our society.

You may be granted admission to the college if you are a high school graduate, or have earned a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). If you are not a high school graduate, you may also be admitted if you are 18 years or older and can benefit from instruction at the college.
Steps to Enroll:
-    apply;
-    list your choice of campus, major, and certificate/degree;
-    pay application fee;
-    fill residency declaration;
-    establish your myuh account;
-    take placement test;
-    post-secondary school transcripts;
-    apply for financial aid;
-    submit immunization records;
-    schedule academic advising;
-    review program requirements;
-    review course listings;
-    complete your registration.

Student Services
Students will find many learning services on the campus that are free and accessible.
-    Library;
-    Learning Center;
-    Computer Services;
-    Cooperative Education, Employment and Internship;
-    Instructional Technology;
-    Bookstore;
-    Wellness Center;
-    Early Childhood Development Center, etc.

Financial Aid
On the whole, there are basically two types of financial aid: Self-Help Aid and Gift Aid.
Scholarships, Grants and Tuition are considered Gift-Aid. This type of aid you don't have to repay. Loans and Federal Work Study are considered Self-Help Aid. They do need to be earned or repaid and are considered a form of self-help aid.


Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Arts in General Studies