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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Pacific Oaks College

Contact Info:
State: California
City: Pasadena
Street: 5 Westmoreland Place
ZIP: 91103
Phone: (800) 684-0900
 Enrollment: several times
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Pacific Oaks College offers bachelor’s, master’s, and certificate programs in human development, counseling, and teaching credentialing. The mission and educational approach of Pacific Oaks is rooted in the Quaker principles of inclusion, social justice, and the valuing of every human being’s worth and potential.
Pacific Oaks is committed to principles of social justice, respect for diversity, and the valuing of the uniqueness of each person. The primary focus is placed upon all needs of young children and their families, and all those who touch their lives each day, in a direct or indirect manner.
Education at Pacific Oaks includes academic, research, clinical, and community outreach components to develop an understanding of those settings within which a child acts and which, in turn, affect a child’s development. The College promotes educational practices within the institution, profession and public schools that encourage learners to find their own voices, to take stands in the face of opposition, and to exercise competence in collaboration with others.

Pacific Oaks College accepts applications year-round and offers three convenient starts in the spring, summer, and fall.
To apply for admission to Pacific Oaks College, please submit:
-    A completed application;
-    Official transcripts of all previous College and/or University studies;
-    A personal statement;
-    Three letters of reference from teachers, employers and/or administrators who are able to comment on your personal and/or academic abilities and skills, job performance or volunteer experience (Required for MFT & Teacher Education only);
-    Work and Volunteer Experience Summary;
-    Selected programs require an interview and supplemental questionnaires;
-    An application fee to process the application.

Financial Aid
The Pacific Oaks community and Financial Aid Office staff are committed to making Pacific Oaks College an affordable experience for you and your family. The Financial Aid Office encourages all students who are interested in attending Pacific Oaks College to apply for admissions and financial aid, regardless of family financial circumstances. Approximately 80-90% of the students attending Pacific Oaks receive some form of financial aid.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Human Development
Master of Arts in Human Development