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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - University College of Syracuse University

Contact Info:
State: New York
City: Syracuse
Street: 700 University Avenue
ZIP: 13244
Phone: 315-443-9378
 Serves: Worldwide
 Enrollment: March | April | May | June | July | August
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: No
Admission to University College of Syracuse University degree programs is based upon manifestation of earlier educational success or current academic and professional realization. Desirable students can apply anytime throughout the year. The interview with a University College educational counselor is necessary for all applicants to part-time study. None student cannot apply to University College and any other undergraduate division of Syracuse University at the same time. The main criteria for admission are:
1) An admissions essay by the applicant is utilized to show writing ability and to present information about objectives, ideals and interests.
2) The personal interview offers the opportunity to individalize the application and establishes eligibility for admission.
3) Graduation from high school or successful completion of the GED exam. 
4) An applicant's volunteer work and working history are assessed to recognize not just the relationship to the student's academic and career objectives, but also how they demonstrate the person's managerial and leadership skills.
Financial Aid 

The University College Financial Aid office administers financial aid for the following Syracuse University student groups: 
1) Part-time undergraduates 
a) admitted in one of these programs:
  - Syracuse Course Programs, i.e., part-time commuter students
  - Distance Degree Programs (ISDP and online)
b) Non-matriculated 
2) Part-time graduates
a) admitted (matriculated) in one of these programs:
  - Distance Degree Programs (ISDP and online)
  - Master's certificate 
b) Non-matriculated
3) Non-credit programs 

University College Online
Syracuse University offers a number of undergraduate and graduate online credit courses that can be used toward degree programs at SU or other universities. All online courses are hosted on the Syracuse University Blackboard learning management system. 


Programs offered by this school:
Associates Degree in Liberal Arts
Bachelors Degree in Child and Family Studies
Bachelors Degree in Communication
Bachelors Degree in Information Technology
Bachelors Degree in Legal Studies
Bachelors Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Bachelors Degree in Management
Bachelors Degree in Psychology
Bachelors Degree in Social Work
Masters Degree in Accounting
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering
Masters Degree in Civil Engineering
Masters Degree in Information Technology
Masters Degree in Library and Information Science
Masters Degree in Social Science
Masters Degree in Social Work
Masters Degree in Telecommunications Technology