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Colleges and Universities - College Programs - Business & MBA - Associate in Liberal Arts
Check out the study programs in Business & MBA field by the higher educational institutions all over USA. Find here academic programs in Business & MBA, like Accounting, Real Estate, eCommerce, PR and Nonprofit Management etc.

When saying ‘a successful career’, most people bear in mind ‘Business & MBA program graduate’.The main business majors include project management, accounting, marketing and advertising, labor relations, and human resources, and so on.

On getting Business degree and MBA one becomes a high-value employee, who knows the main secrets of making any company a prosperous one.

Programs in Business & MBA cover every business aspect - everything from accounting to sales, finance to management.

Here are just some hints of possible jobs one may get on earning a degree: accountant, advertising executive, manager, CEO, financial analyst, entrepreneur.

Atlantic Cape Community College
Associate in Liberal Arts in Business Administration

A wide range of degree programs in Business & MBA at Student-to-Student and lots of possible careers prove that Business industry always welcomes new people and ideas.