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Colleges and Universities - College Programs - Engineering - Science
Browse through the study programs in the field of Engineering by the universities, colleges and schools all over USA. Find here academic programs in Engineering, like Technology, Mathematics, Civil and Biomedical Engineering etc.

Engineering is a dynamic field of science that is applying both technical and scientific information. Career opportunities within engineering are always in high demand.After getting an engineering program degree, one will obtain the problem solving skills, critical thinking, data analysis, mathematics, and high tech computers’ use.

Engineering categories comprise the following: civil, chemical, and industrial engineering. The necessity in qualified specialists in engineering is constantly high, no matter in what field they are working – building plants, planes or medical device.

Engineering academic programs’ graduates has been participating in creating of the future, get a degree and become one of them.

Engineering categories include various academic programs, such as Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Technology, Civil and Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering etc.

Big Sandy Community & Technical College
Associates Degree in Science

Cabrillo College
Associate of Arts in Geography

Chadron State College
Master of Arts in Education in Science/Mathematics

College of DuPage
Associate of Arts in Geography

East Carolina University
Bachelor of Science in Bioprocess Manufacturing

Eastern New Mexico University
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Science

Foothill College
Associate of Arts in Geography

Hamline University
Master of Arts in Education in Natural Sciences

Illinois Institute of Technology
Certificate Program in Analytical Method Development
Certificate Program in Analytical Spectroscopy
Certificate Program in Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic and Organic Materials
Certificate Program in Radiological Physics

Kean University
Bachelor of Science in Earth Science
Bachelor of Arts in Earth Science

Knowledge Systems Institute
Master of Arts in Bioinformatics

Lanier Technical College
Associates Degree in Technical Studies

Montana State University
Master of Arts in Subsurface Science

Montana State University-Billings
Associate of Science in General Science

New River Community College
Associates Degree in Science

Snead State Community College
Associate of Science in Physical Science

Texas State University - San Marcos
Masters Degree in Applied Geography

The University of Maine
Postbaccalaureate certificate in Global Positioning System - Geodesy and Application

Thomas Edison State College
Bachelor of Arts in Natural Sciences

University of California - Santa Cruz
Certificate Program in Bioinformatics

University of Maryland University College
Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics
Master of Science in Bioinformatics

University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Masters Degree in Applied Science

University of Northern Colorado
Certificate Program in Geography

University of the Incarnate Word
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Science

On graduating in Engineering program one may start a career in manufacturing industry, as well as professional, scientific and technical services field, as well as work as electrical engineers, electronics engineers and aerospace engineers.